By Matiara Huff

Barbie’s official twitter page tweeted this sketch with the caption, “So excited to honor @Zendaya with a one-of-a-kind doll as she encourages girls to Raise Their Voices and to #BeSuper!,” Sept. 18, 2015.
It’s true! Barbie is coming out with a Zendaya doll that will be modeled after Zendaya’s 2015 Oscars outfit. This was consider Zendaya’s most controversial outfit because of her faux locs. If you don’t know, many online news outlets called Zendaya’s hair “ghetto,” and said it probably smelled like weed or patchouli oil. Zendaya’s response was very empowering for people of color, and rose interesting questions about cultural appropriation. She turn a bad experience with the press into a learning experience for everyone.
It is no secret that representation in the media affects people of all ages, and the lack there of for Black people has a huge effect on the confidence of the growing generations. Due to this, the Barbie team said “Thank you for raising your voice!” and announced the upcoming doll. This doll is a big win!